About this website

Welcome to my website. I am Florian Zeller, a data scientist with a knack for public data. Public data make for interesting analyses and not only because it is easily available (but that does count). These data can apply to multiple domains: education, like you will see here but also demographics, urban infrastructure and more. It can help us understand our society by combining raw data with human knowledge to learn more about our society and even understand issues that may plague our lives.

Moreover, I am currently looking for a position abroad, ideally in an English-speaking country so if you are interested by this project, you can check my LinkedIn profile

ParcourSup study: French higher education

Here is the URL link to the original dataset. This is my personal project about ParcourSup data, the French process to get to higher education and which type of students go to which type of higher education which will be published in multiple parts. I wanted to look at this data because higher education (also called post-bac education in France) is a huge deal and can also shows a lot about our society. It's also interesting to compare reality with what we usually view higher education. Last but not least, that's also a good exercice of data visualization and story telling which I hope you will enjoy.

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